ENG/FIL, From the Philippines

hello! you may know me crispin/cris on the internet but i also go by nath. i like to draw and animate things that make me happy. thank you for stopping by my carrd! x)commissions are open. if you want to commission me, please contact any of my social medias below or via my work email: [email protected]


i am open for freelance work, like animations and illustrations. programs i use for these works are clip studio paint, sony vegas, adobe after effects and adobe premiere. for hardware, i use a huion kamvas 16. if you are interested and have work offers, please do send me an email!my commissions are also open! my payment methods are g-cash (if you live in philippines), and paypal (if you live internationally). more information about commissions will be seen in comms info.


my prices all depend on the type of work i would do: the more complex the artwork, the higher the price. my prices are very flexible! it will vary on your budget as well as the complexity. i take different forms of payment. g-cash or paypal.illustration prices will depend on the artstyle, and the complexity which all range to as little as 4$ to 50$. same rules apply to animation prices which will range up to 50$ to 500$. if you want something else, please contact me and we can talk everything out and discuss the prices. thank you for taking interest! 🐟


when commissioning, me, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the terms of service, and will abide by the following rules. these terms of service rules represent the transaction and agreement between the two of us during the time we are working together.

★ to commission me, you must be sure to read and abide by the terms of service.
★ i am able to refuse your commission if i want.
★ you may use the commissioned work for personal or commercial use, although you are not allowed to use my work for NFTs, with or without my permission.
★ image reference, written descriptions is needed to provide me a clear image of what you want. the more detail you give, the better.
★ additional charges will be added depending on the complexity of the work.
★ if the client wants frequent on the process (ex. sending low qual images of the sketch, base colors, and product), i will do so accordingly.
★ commissioner will have a maximum amount of 3 free changes/edits to the work, before i will charge extra fees.
★ in terms of payment, i accept multiple forms (paypal, kofi, or g-cash) although, 50% of the commission payment must be payed UPFRONT. if you are against this, you are free to cancel your commission.
★ after finishing the commission and sending you the finished product, you are now able to also send the full payment.
★ maximum amount of days waiting for the payment is 3 days, and if you give a given reason to why the payment is delayed, i will give you a month to fufill the transaction.
★ i do accept refunds under certain circumstances. however, if you cancel the commission when the work is near completion, i will no longer accept refunds.


welcome to my portfolio, will add more to these throughout the years! thank you for checking this page out, you are super duper cool! if interested in giving me work offers, please contact via email: [email protected]


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